Friday, September 10, 2010

Help get a nice Cane for Arabella

As you might have heard, Arabella Proffer was diagnosed with Cancer. Specifically an aggressive form of lipo sarcoma, a tumor going through her thigh. She has been undergoing treatment, but recently was given the bad news that she will need to have a portion of her thigh removed.

She has mentioned a Cane that she likes, and it is my hope that enough fans and friends will chip in to make sure that she gets one these amazing looking canes. She also mentioned that she would like a cane that has a knife/sword in it, I mean who wouldn't? The canes she has mentioned have this as an added option. There are two canes she likes (see examples),a nd if we can raise enough money, we can not only get her a fancier version of the cane, but one with a knife/sword installed.

You can see a donate button to the right of the page; please donate what you can. Anyone that donates will have his/her name or screen name added to a card that Arabella will receive when notified that she gets a new cane.